Que Jr Leon T MD - Lafayette, Colorado

Dirección: 75 Waneka Pkwy #101, Lafayette, CO 80026.
Teléfono: 208184307.
Página web: leonquemd.org.
Especialidades: Psiquiatra.
Otros datos de interés: Entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Estacionamiento accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Sanitarios accesibles para personas en silla de ruedas, Sanitario, Acepta pacientes nuevos, Se recomienda concertar cita.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 19 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 3.6/5.

Ubicación de Que Jr Leon T MD

Si estás buscando un psiquiatra competente y confiable, no busques más allá de Que Jr Leon T MD.

Este profesional de la salud mental está ubicado en 75 Waneka Pkwy #101, Lafayette, CO 80026 y está dispuesto a ayudarte a abordar cualquier desafío mental que puedas estar enfrentando.

Puedes comunicarte con él al Teléfono: 208184307 o visitar su página web en Página web: leonquemd.org.

Las especialidades de Que Jr Leon T MD incluyen el tratamiento de una variedad de trastornos mentales, y se especializa en brindar atención personalizada y efectiva a cada uno de sus pacientes.

Si tienes alguna preocupación sobre la accesibilidad, no te preocupes, ya que la clínica cuenta con entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, estacionamiento accesible y sanitarios adaptados.

Además, Que Jr Leon T MD acepta pacientes nuevos y se recomienda concertar una cita para garantizar una atención oportuna.

Los pacientes que han buscado atención médica en Que Jr Leon T MD han dejado opiniones positivas en Google My Business, con una opinión media de 3.6/5 en base a 19 valoraciones.

Opiniones de Que Jr Leon T MD

Que Jr Leon T MD - Lafayette, Colorado
Catherine Witt

I was a patient of Dr Que for 12 years. While I admit he did keep me out of the hospital, he failed in other areas. Over the course of my care, I have gone through several medications changes. However towards the end of my care, he began to add medication rather than tweaking one of the already existing medications that I was prescribed. One of the medications that was prescribed caused severe Parkinson’s symptoms. When confronted with this information, he stated he could “try” to keep me stable. Fast forward 6 months later, I ask to try to come off of the offending medication and I was always dismissed, stating we would discuss it later—we never did. Now the latest twist in this nightmare of a saga is he will not release my chart to my new provider unless I pay him $ per page. I cannot afford to pay for a chart that spans 12 years. I find this to be petty and shows that my care is not on the forefront but actually how much money he can drain from me one last time. I would not recommend to my family or friends to seek care from him for their mental health needs.

Que Jr Leon T MD - Lafayette, Colorado
Scott Unrein

I was referred to Dr. Que by my retiring psych of 20 years. I found him egotistical and petty. During the worst mental crisis of my life (My mother passed, my daughter's boyfriend assaulted me, etc...) he dropped me with a voice message because I was late to an appointment. Many of the prescriptions he gave me were very outdated. Dr. Que also likes to talk a lot about ethics, honor, accountability, but apparently he is not accountable. Finally, he made me feel less than, because in every session he made me feel I was distracting him from his single handed fighting of the national health crisis. Way to marginalize a patient. PS, he has a punitive sliding scale, so that's really neat. Goes to late for 3rd appointment $1,600 - really cool. Neat a Psych feels he should be punitive. Maybe there is a mental reason people are occasionally late. Trust me, this guy gets ticked off if you are 3 minutes late. Overall: Terrible Personality, Selfish and Egotistical. Maybe there is some narcissism going on.

Feel free to look at the other very similar feedback. Many others echo this sentiment of pettiness, annoyance, and narcissism I have seen in this health professional.

Keep in mind, this is my opinion, but it was definitely my treatment by Dr. Que.

Now I am trying to get my ROI from him. He appears to have put policies in his ROI allowing him not to be held responsible. The Colorado Legal HIPAA has NONE of the additional policies he has added (of course to protect him).

Thing is, it doesn't matter, policies do not trump the law. In trying to get my records, this great guy, brought in his LAWYER. It is my medical information, pathetic.


Good thing he took the hypocritical oath. Pun intended.

Que Jr Leon T MD - Lafayette, Colorado
Rob May

* 3yr Refresh *

As a 3+ yr client of his practice, I would continue to recommend Dr. Que, he is an excellent provider of care.

I believe he surpasses his colleagues in his individualized & relationship-based approach, broad knowledge, and rich life experience.

I've never observed red flag stereotypes like big-ego doc, golf-course doc, or clinic profitability; maximizing patient processing rates.

Administrative/insurance matters have been painless. I've found his office team to be warm and committed.

This is a follow-up to my original review.


* Original 2020 Review *

I would recommend Dr. Que, he is an excellent provider of care.

His office is now at a new Lafayette location:
75 Waneka Pkwy
Suite 101, Lafayette, CO 80026

Que Jr Leon T MD - Lafayette, Colorado
Jennifer Jozwik

Dr.Que and I have worked together for ten years as I have treatment resistant bipolar. I've searched for a psychiatrist near and far and am so happy I chanced to meet Dr. Que. It is clear to me that he cares very deeply for each one of his patients. In addition he is intelligent and up to date on the latest happenings in psychiatry. If I should have to call with a problem, he calls back in a timely manner. I can honestly say, if it weren't for Dr. Que, I would be dead and three sweet children would be without their mother. I drive 4 hours to see Dr. Que. For this level of care it would be worth going twice as far.

Que Jr Leon T MD - Lafayette, Colorado
Irvine Smith

Dr. Que has been my doctor for 3 years. I have followed him from the hospital to his private practice and choose to pay out of pocket when he no longer was in network with my insurance. That is how good he is. He is kind, but direct and he is very knowledgable. I know I am taken care of by someone who has experience and stays up to date and just really cares a lot.

He is not a doctor that just does what you tell him to, but he does work with me to make sure my needs are met. He will explain his reasoning and that is what I want. I read some of the other reviews here and just wanted to give a fair perspective that his clinic is reasonable and pleasant. I suspect that perhaps some of the other reviewers just didn't read the policies or were mad they didn't get their way.

I will keep going to Dr. Que's clinic forever and he is a great Doctor.

Que Jr Leon T MD - Lafayette, Colorado
Andrea Stone

Dr. Que is incredibly skilled in psychiatry. I've been with him for 5 years now. Before I saw Dr. Que, I tried for 7 years to find the right combination of medications to treat my type II bipolar. I was either unstable or so drugged I felt like a zombie. Dr. Que was the first psychiatrist to get me stable and keep me there, while still having feelings. With Dr. Que's treatment, I feel like I have a normal brain and live a normal, stable life. My insurance no longer covers Dr. Que, but he's so good I pay out of pocket to see him. He is kind, compassionate, an excellent teacher for his patients, quick to respond when things go wrong, very professional, etc. I trust him with my life. I will never see anyone else. I feel blessed he is in my life!

Que Jr Leon T MD - Lafayette, Colorado

Excellent doctor! All written in the previous review is the exact opposite of the experience I've had with Dr. Que. Having treatment resistant bipolar, Dr. Que constantly looks for new approaches in trying to get my illness in check. Decisions made are made together. While grateful for his knowledge and expertise (both of which are extensive), I am the one who ultimately makes the final decision, and Dr. Que makes sure I am quite aware of that. In addition, if ever there is a time I disagree with a proposed action, I am comfortable conveying that to Dr. Que. Dr. Que explains things quite well, making complex medical terms and ideas accessible to those of us without a medical degree. If Dr. Que treats all his patients the way he treats me, which I believe he does as he truly has a passion and talent for his line of work, a person would have to consider themselves very fortunate to book an appointment with him.

Que Jr Leon T MD - Lafayette, Colorado
Roxann Shook

Dr. Que has been my provider for over 4 years . I drive 200 miles round-trip to see him and I pay out of pocket for his services not because I do not have access to providers in-network more locally, but because the level of service I receive from Dr. Que is superior.

Dr. Que recognizes my voice and validates my concerns and experiences. He finds ways to convey his expertise into layman's terms that make sense to me. He gives me a variety of options when possible so that I can choose the one that makes the most sense for me. He listens to the input of my spouse, which adds insight and thoroughness. He is also incredibly punctual and respectful of my schedule, ensuring appointments begin and end on time. He is quick to respond when I reach out to him. He also follows through on anything he says he will do. Med changes are done gradually and usually only one at a time so that if/when problems occur, it is more apparent what the cause is.

In today's world of medicine, Dr. Que is a rarity. He is face-to-face for the duration of an appointment, be it 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes. His office is quiet and calm. If you're looking for a "typical" doctor who rushes through appointments, writes you a stack of prescriptions without consulting you, and never looks you in the eye, you're not going to find it here. You will find, however, someone who is the ultimate professional, incredibly knowledgable, and an asset to his patients.
